50th Birthday Poems

If you're looking for funny 50th birthday poems, then chances are either you or someone you know is about to enter the second half century of their life. Some people get upset. Some people get depressed. I personally think that it's a good time to lighten up!

And that's why I'm sharing this page of funny birthday rhymes. Read them. Choose your favorite, and keep it for yourself -- or copy it and give it to a friend to brighten their special day. They're here for you to read, share and enjoy. Please read my terms of use for more information.

50th Birthday Poem #1

The first poem is one of the kindest. (Have you noticed these poems tend to be mean? That is what gives them their humor.)

Fifty Candles 
Fifty candles on your cake.
Surely there’s a big mistake.
What a fire!
What a flame!
Your many years are all to blame.

So call the firemen.
Phone or shout.
Or, quickly,
Blow those candles out!

by Denise Rodgers
Copyright© Denise Rodgers 
All Rights Reserved

Birthday Poem #2

In the next poem, the joke is on the reader (the birthday "boy" or "girl") who has just "hit" the half-century mark. 

Fifty Birthdays
Fifty birthdays,
Fifty years,
Fifty parties,
Fifty cheers,
Fifty’s happy.
Fifty’s bold.
Fifty’s you,
And you are old!

by Denise Rodgers
Copyright© Denise Rodgers 
All Rights Reserved

Birthday Poem #3

The next poem isn't the least bit mean. In fact, it's possibly a little bit complimentary. (It is customary to be NICE on someone's birthday, after all.)

You’re Turning Fifty
They say you’re turning fifty,
On this birthday.
(That is when.)

To me, instead,
It looks like
You’ll be 39 again.

You’re looking a bit younger
Like you’re turning back the page.
The most important thing is that
You NEVER act your age!

by Denise Rodgers
Copyright© Denise Rodgers
All Rights Reserved

Birthday Poem #4

I wrote the last poem on this page for myself on my own 50th birthday. It may be funny (or not) but it truly reflects my feeling on that day. It is not a classic greeting card sort of poem, but it just might be perfect for the newly-minted 50-year-old you have in mind.

A Poem for Turning Fifty
It’s not so bad.
I’m not even sad,
Overwhelmed, out of sorts, or depressed.
I’ve brushed my hair,
Without despair.
I even ate breakfast and dressed.

I have no room
For feeling gloom.
I shake all those thoughts from my head.
While it may not be nifty
To know that I’m fifty.
I’d rather be fifty than dead.

by Denise Rodgers
Copyright© Denise Rodgers 
All Rights Reserved

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Here are some great ideas for planning a 50th Birthday Party!