US President Poems

president poems, US president poems, white house drawing

US President Poems ~ Founding Fathers

Welcome to the US President poems page of The first section consists of five of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America. These are the men who gathered to plan and fight the Revolutionary War and drafted the Bill of Rights and the Constitution of the United States. Without their efforts, the United States would not be what it is today. The first of the president poems is about General George Washington, a man who was so well loved by his new country, that some thought he should be king!

George Washington poem.

George Washington Poem
1st US President
Term: 1789-1797
Born: 1732
Died: 1799
Lived: 67 years
Party: Unaffiliated

John Adams poem.

John Adams Poem
2nd US President
Term: 1797-1801
Born: 1735
Died: 1829
Lived: 90 years
Party: Federalist

Thomas Jefferson poem

Thomas Jefferson Poem
Third US President
Term: 1801-1809
Born: 1743
Died: 1826
Lived: 83 years
Party: Democratic Republican

James Madison poem.

James Madison Poem
4th US President
Term: 1809-1817
Born: 1751
Died: 1836
Lived: 85 years
Party: Democratic Republican

James Monroe poem.

James Monroe Poem
5th US President
Term: 1817-1825
Born: 1758
Died: 1831
Lived: 73 years
Party: Democratic Republican

19th Century US President Poems

Beyond the Founding Fathers, voters felt comfortable voting for the son of a founding father, John Quincy Adams. And so the list of presidents of United States grew in the 1800s, to include other dedicated, patriotic... and colorful leaders!

John Quincy Adams poem

John Quincy Adams Poem
6th US President
Term: 1825-1829
Born: 1767
Died: 1848
Lived: 80 years
Party: Democratic Republican

Andrew Jackson poem

Andrew Jackson Poem
7th US President
Term: 1829-1837
Born: 1767
Died: 1845
Lived: 78 years
Party: Democrat

President Martin Van Buren poem

Martin Van Buren Poem
8th US President
Term: 1837-1841
Born: 1782
Died: 1862
Lived: 79 years
Party: Democrat

President William Henry Harrison poem

William Henry Harrison Poem
9th US President

Term: 1841 (died in office)
Born: 1773
Died: 1841
Lived: 68 years
Party: Whig

President John Tyler poem for kids.

John Tyler Poem
10th US President
Term: 1841-1845
Born: 1790
Died: 1862
Lived: 72 years
Party: Unaffiliated

President James K. Polk poem

James K Polk Poem
11th US President
Term: 1845-1849
Born: 1795
Died: 1849
Lived: 53 years
Party: Democrat

President Zachary Taylor poem

Zachary Taylor Poem
12th US President
Term: 1849-1850
Born: 1784
Died: 1850
Lived: 65 years
Party: Whig

President Millard Fillmore poem

Millard Fillmore Poem
13th US President
Term: 1850-1853
Born: 1800
Died: 1874
Lived: 74 years
Party: Whig

President Franklin Pierce poem

Franklin Pierce Poem
14th US President
Term: 1853-1857
Born: 1804
Died: 1869
Lived: 64 years
Party: Democrat

President James Buchanan poem

James Buchanan Poem
15th US President
Term: 1857-1861
Born: 1797
Died: 1868
Lived: 77 years
Party: Democrat

Abraham Lincoln poem

Abraham Lincoln Poem
16th US President
Term: 1861-1865
Born: 1809
Died: 1865
Lived: 56 years ( assassinated)
Party: Republican

President Andrew Johnson poem

Andrew Johnson Poem
17th US President
Term: 1865-1869
Born: 1808
Died: 1875
Lived: 66 years
Party: Democrat

Ulysses S Grant poem

Ulysses S. Grant Poem
18th US President
Term: 1869-1877
Born: 1822
Died: 1885
Lived: 63 years
Party: Republican

Rutherford Hayes poem

Rutherford Hayes Poem
19th US President
Term: 1877-1881
Born: 1822
Died: 1893
Lived: 70 years
Party: Republican

President James Garfield poem

James Garfield Poem
20th US President
Term: 1881-1881 (died in office)
Born: 1831
Died: 1881
Lived: 49 years
Party: Republican

Chester A Arthur poem

Chester Arthur Poem
21st US President
Term: 1881-1885
Born: 1829
Died: 1886
Lived: 57 years
Party: Republican

President Grover Cleveland poem

Grover Cleveland Poem #1
22nd US President 
First Term: 1885-1889
Born: 1837
Died: 1908
Lived: 71 years
Party: Democrat

President Benjamin Harrison poem for kids.

Benjamin Harrison Poem
23rd US President
Term: 1889-1893
Born: 1833
Died: 1901
Lived: 67 years
Party: Republican

President Grover Cleveland poem

Grover Cleveland Poem #2
24th US President
Second Term: 1893-1897
Born: 1837
Died: 1908
Lived: 71 years
Party: Democrat

President William McKinley poem

William McKinley Poem
25th US President
Term: 1897-1901
Born: 1843
Died: 1901
Lived: 58 years
Party: Republican

20th Century US President Poems

Now we arrive at the US President poems that leads in what is relatively modern times. We start with a young upstart and a totally fun guy, not to mention, one of the four presidents depicted on Mount Rushmore...Theodore Roosevelt. 

Theodore Roosevelt poem

Theodore Roosevelt Poem
26th US President
Term: 1901-1909
Born: 1858
Died: 1919
Lived: 60 years
Party: Republican

William Howard Taft poem

William Howard Taft Poem
27th US President
Term: 1909-1913
Born: 1857
Died: 1930
Lived: 72 years
Party: Republican

Woodrow Wilson poem

Woodrow Wilson Poem
28th US President
Term: 1913-1921
Born: 1856
Died: 1924
Lived: 67 years
Party: Democrat

President Warren Harding poem

Warren Harding Poem
29th US President
Term: 1913-1923
Born: 1865
Died: 1923
Lived: 57 years
Party: Republican

Calvin Coolidge poem

Calvin Coolidge Poem
30th US President
Term: 1923-1929
Born: 1872
Died: 1933
Lived: 60 years
Party: Republican

Herbert Hoover drawing and poem. Herbert Hoover cartoon.

Herbert Hoover Poem
31st US President
Term: 1929-1933
Born: 1874
Died: 1964
Lived: 90 years
Party: Republican

Franklin Roosevelt poem

Franklin D. Roosevelt Poem
32nd US President
Term: 1933-1945
Born: 1882
Died: 1945
Lived: 63 years
Party: Democrat

Harry S Truman poem

Harry S. Truman Poem
33rd US President
Term: 1945-1953
Born: 1884
Died: 1972
Lived: 88 years
Party: Democrat

Dwight Eisenhower poem

Dwight D. Eisenhower Poem
34th US President
Term: 1953-1961
Born: 1890
Died: 1969
Lived: 78 years
Party: Republican

John F Kennedy poem

John F. Kennedy Poem
35th US President
Term: 1961-1963 (assassinated)
Born: 1917
Died: 1963
Lived: 46 years
Party: Democrat

Lyndon Johnson poem

Lyndon B. Johnson Poem
36th US President
Term: 1963-1969
Born: 1908
Died: 1973
Lived: 64 years
Party: Democrat

Richard Nixon poem

Richard M. Nixon Poem
37th US President
Term: 1969-1974
Born: 1913
Died: 1994
Lived: 81 years
Party: Republican

Gerald Ford poem

Gerald Ford Poem
38th US President
Term: 1974-1977
Born: 1913
Died: 2006
Party: Republican

Jimmy Carter poem for kids. Jimmy Carter drawing. Jimmy Carter cartoon.

James Earl (Jimmy) Carter Poem
39th US President
Term: 1977-1981
Born: 1924
Party: Democrat

Ronald Reagan poem

Ronald Reagan Poem
40th US President
Term: 1981-1989
Born: 1911
Died: 2004
Lived: 93 years
Party: Republican

George H W Bush poem

George H.W. Bush Poem
41st US President
Term: 1989-1993
Born: 1924
Died: 2018
Lived: 94 years
Party: Republican

21st Century US President Poems

Now we enter the names of presidents, all of whom are still living. These are the presidents of the new millennium. In the case of Bill Clinton, he had just one year of his term in the year 2000, and an election year at that! However, at the time, he was of a younger generation and did say on the stump that he wanted to lead the country into the 21st century. Just as in the case of the change from the Founding Fathers to the 19th Century, voters once again chose a familiar name and family to lead the country. In this case, it was George W. Bush.

Bill Clinton poem

William Jefferson (Bill) Clinton Poem
42nd US President
Term: 1993-2001
Born: 1946
Party: Democrat

George W Bush poem

George W. Bush Poem
43rd US President
Term: 2001-2009
Born: 1946
Party: Republican

Barack Obama poem

Barack Obama Poem
44th US President
Born: 1961
Party: Democrat

Donald Trump poem

Donald J. Trump Poem
45th US President
Term: 2017-
Born: 1946
Party: Republican

We hope you enjoyed this page and all the links to US president poems. For more information about each president listed above, click on the president name or on the president picture. For the official US Presidents list, go to

Poetry Permissions Denise Rodgers