This is a page of poems about dreams, but not about nightmares. They are funny and some are offbeat. One is a bit wistful -- but they all are about dreams.
The first poem about dreams, above, is about climbing a ladder so high that you start to reach into the clouds. This could be scary -- but in this case, it's so much fun that the dreamer prefers to stay asleep to enjoy the view.
Here is the text of the poem:
I’m climbing a ladder.
I can’t see the top.
Don’t know where I’m heading,
But still, I don’t stop.
The ladder is sturdy.
I climb past our roof.
I have a strange feeling
This might be a goof.
The chimney’s below me.
I dare not look down.
I know it’s a distance
To fall to the ground.
I reach the first cloud,
And it’s thicker than cream.
I say to myself,
“This is likely a dream.”
Though I’m scared of heights,
My knees do not quake.
I love this so much
That I don’t want to wake.
by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.
This dreamer is flying without the benefit of an airplane -- or even a kite! And the dreamer is happy to wake up, unlike the voice in the first poem, as he was about to crash into a tree!
Here is the text of the poem:
One time I was flying.
The sky was bright blue.
There wasn’t an airplane;
I’ll swear this is true.
My arms were spread wide
And the clouds made it foggy.
Hair flew off my face,
Neither frizzled nor soggy.
I didn’t know how,
But I wanted to land.
I gripped at the air
With both right and left hand.
I rushed toward a tree,
Thought my shoulder would break.
My eyes flew wide open,
Now gladly awake!
by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.
This dream is all about music. The dreamer is playing every instrument that comes to mind -- as well as singing! It's no wonder that the dreamer is exhauster when finally awake.
Here is the text of the poem:
I dreamt I played the tuba,
The piano, and the sax.
I blasted on the trumpet.
It was noisy to the max.
And while I played these
I also stood to sing.
I also played the harpsichord,
Plucking at the strings.
The music was amazing
And I swear I almost lost it.
And when I shortly woke up…
I was totally exhausted.
by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.
This dream is about weird stuff like a crooked house and a dog with the beard that sounds like a cat! I suppose the dropping spiders make this poem closer to a nightmare. Once again, it's a joy to wake up (in this poem) to a (hopefully) normal bedroom.
Here is the text of the poem:
When houses are crooked
And people look weird.
It looks like your dog
Has acquired a beard.
You start walking backward.
Your dog starts to mew.
You’re bumping the ceiling
And you’re five foot-two.
The spiders are dropping.
You’re starting to scream.
That’s when you wake up –
So glad it’s a dream.
by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.
This is a sad or wistful poem about a child that misses his grandparents, but enjoys visiting with them when she dreams.
Here is the text of the poem:
I visit with my grand
My grand mama’s there, too.
They do not have a lot to say.
At least they don’t say, BOO!)
They’ve both been gone for many years,
but still, they like to visit.
I used to see them all the time.
I guess I kind of miss it.
What they do is float around,
And strange as it might seem.
I kind of wish that they were real…
I know they are a dream.
by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
ll rights reserved.