This is the place for students and emerging poets to publish kids poems! If you are a teacher or a home-school parent, this is the place to put your students' poems out into the real world. Give your student(s) the chance to feature their very best work. Not all submissions will be published. So please make certain your students send only their best work!
You may send one poem -- or as many as you'd like. Please include:
* Student First Name (and optional last initial)
* Age or Grade Level and School Name
* City and State (or if out of US, location information)
* If the poem was an award winner, please include this information.
* If you are sending multiple poems, please enter one poem per entry form.
* For more information, please CONTACT me.
Click on the link below to fill out the Poetry Submission Form and send us your very best work.
Click below to see contributions from other young poets to this page...
Last minute winner
Last minute winner!
Crash smash slam wham!
Bang clash on the dash.
Long strong legs.
Tall ball on to score.
Blue shoes on the loose.
Crash, smash, …
Last minute winner
Last minute winner!
Crash smash slam wham!
Bang clash on the dash.
Long strong legs.
Tall ball on to score.
Blue shoes on the loose.
Crash, smash, …
My best cat
Beautiful kitten
with big and scary nails
it makes me happy
Love Life
Lightning peace,
Rainclouds shining,
Happy secret .
Secret peacefully,
Baby cries,
Cuddles the family,
Whisper blows.
Blame lord,
Made don’t, …
The world forces us not to believe,
Forces us that it doesn’t exist.
Comes up with theories that saddens our heart,
Theories that Someday doesn’t exist. …
bing beep
bing beep was a sheep
bing beep liked to eat
bing beep had large feet
bing beep ate big beets
Bella the white duckling
Waddling in smooth orange flappers,
Then diving in with feet like clappers.
Fur so neat like a blizzard Dahlia flower,
A beak so shiny, does it need …
Love Your Planet
Oh, Our mighty planet,
Has never deseved it.
All the litter on the ground,
On our earth that is round.
It is like we are giving sickness …
Be you,
Even if the cows go moo !
You can still be you ,
Don't mask your face in jealousy ,
Be you and open your best opportunity,
Swim your …
The Great Classrooms
The classrooms are the places wich make us bright,
The place where teachers show us the way to light,
Sometimes a class becomes Twilight,
Filled with …
You must agree
indian food is good
with all the spices
and sweet sweet flavors.
It’s unfortunately, misunderstood.
But that’s wrong because
Enchanting Ethiopia
Upon Ethiopian land I set my feet,
A vibrant land of cultures to explore,
Mountains and valleys where nature's heartbeat,
Whispers tales of legends …
I look around, I see trees and nature,
I walk in the fields, seeing grass wet with fir,
Small bugs are alert, while predators stir,
While butterflies …
Have you ever wondered why Emotions can be Vague,
But can also be contagious and spread like the Plague!
Well,they are the feelings that
come from …
I've always been very small for my age, its not a thing I particularly like
It makes it difficult you see, when I run, reeeeeach or try to ride my bike …
Have you ever wondered why Emotions can be Vague...
But can also be contagious and spread like the Plague!
Well,they are the feelings that
come from …
I Wake Up Early
I wake up early and Brush my teeth
I take my bath and eat healthy.
I pack my bag and kiss my mom.
I go to school and learn many things.
I come back …
Buddy the Cat
Buddy the cat aww
Buddy the cat is awesome
He loves to cuddle
The Train
The train was blue ,red and yellow
We were waiting at the station.
I was sleepy near the window
The fox was jumping on the snow
By …
——by Bob Z.
I call you the moon maker and the kid scarer.
I call you color killer.
I call you moon’s friend and the vampire which sucks …
Ring the bells that ring,
move the things that move.
Shine the light that shines,
prove the past that prove.
With a tiny crack,
theres always huge …
I Love Mommy And Daddy
I love mommy
Isn't she lovely
I love her, she is my favor
She is my love, she is my mother dove!
I love daddy
He makes me happy
In the ship, he …
I once had a dream,
a wonderful dream.
A dream for a queen,
but then I had more.
dreams can be nice ,
but some are not.
But that OK,
cuz we always …
The Key To The Heart
You're here to hold my hand,
you always understand.
You hear every word I say,
to make my greatest day.
You always come to fight my fears,
you always …
Pollie's Very First Lesson
Pollie the panda was chubby and wee,
She chomped on her bamboo with utmost glee.
It was peaceful and calm - no one round;
She knew to do this she was …
Stranger's Smile
Came out of the house
Walked on the roadside,
Her long straight hair
All neatly tied.
Wearing her smile that
She could never hide,
Smile is …
The Thunderstorm
The clouds have gathered dark,
to put natures greatest show.
A thunderstorm with light and sound,
and raindrops plopping to the ground.
She takes a …
The Beauty Of Earth
The Earth is calm.
We listen to the birds
We hear them hum
The trees are near by the street
The fishes in the ocean are having a feast
What a wonderful …
Poppys in the eyes
I look up in the sky and see the eyes and it is windy.
And the poppies are waving and there is a little breeze and it makes me want to cry.
and the sun …
The peaceful winter night
The leaves fell into the first piercing winds of winter, the birds sang as they …
Who We Can Be
Imagine who are we
Imagine who we can be
We can be Superman in the air
We can be a clown at the fair
We can be Cinderella in the glass shoe
We can …
The Moon is Light.
The moon is bright,
again for another night.
While we turn out the lights
and astronauts go above
as we stay down below
asking ourselves; why this? …
The Northern Lights
Flares of colours splash the sky
The colours, penetrating the tourist's eyes
They are the northern lights
Nature's beauty and might
These colours, …
The need for world peace
Giggles and chuckles flutter in the meadows,
Prancing ponytails, peekaboo under the tree's shadows,
Protected below the blanket of the quiet sky,
A …
The Escaped Slave
Earnestly works the field,
Dusk till dawn,
Six days a week,
Hard on her knees, kneeled
Running after her sisters,
On the wagon, dust rising.
Crying …
Happiness is a seed
that everyone needs
not just to be happy but also to healthy
happiness does not make you feel healthy
it you feel wealthy
happiness …
I Got Scared
I found a mouse in my house,
I got scared
I found a rat on my hat,
I got scared
Sssshhhhh be quite!
There is sleeping cat under the blue mat, …
Our Heavenly Village
The glorious sunshine brightens up my day,
The pine trees invite me for a joyful play,
The sparrows are building a gorgeous nest,
The villagers are …
Apple of my eye
Sometimes sweet
Sometimes sour
mostly balanced
but i don't care.
so in the blaze of evening light,
i'd love to see you shine so bright.
So forgive …
Let's spread some love
Let's spread some love,
To animals around us.
Give them food,
Give them shelter.
We should save them,
From bad weather.
Give them clothes,
Give …
Ruby Joy B
ruby joy ruby joy
with joy in her heart
always a laugh
always smiling
sometimes crying
But after all, she is just a child and a friendly kid with …
See the classmates soaring through the air, see the balls going crazy everywhere.
Screaming and shouting they cheer for their teams, filling the court …
Going holidays
Mummy mummy you need to work
Work hard hard
So you get a bank card
So we go holidays
Holidays are fun fun
Chocolate cake
My favorite food is chocolate cake
Its often always freshly baked
Its junk but its so much yummy
I like it when it goes in my tummy
Its of every …
Out in the Dark
Star Star, it shines so bright.
This little star is gonna be mine.
Clouds are in different shapes, sometimes like a circle or a line.
Today I see a …
In a Shop
In a shop I saw a mop
laying on the top floor.
I looked down and saw a crown
running away from a clown.
Oh I frowned from the clown
and ran to the …
My Dad
East or West, you are the best.
when you are away, I am unrest.
I feel safe in your nest.
In your arms, I feel to rest.
And when I am in a pool, you …
The end of an eternal friendship by Aarna P
Blinded by greed, we can no longer see,
The parched lake, and the withered tree,
Their eternal friendship meets a miserable end,
A painful saga of two …
If I could
If I could write a book it wouldn’t be a girl like me with a different name.
It wouldn’t be a girl like younger me either
But an amalgamation of me and …
My Mom Sweet Mom
Mother !! Mother !!
I can’t go any further Without saying how great you are!
Mother !! Mother !!
There is no other ,Who I would be with rather Together! …
A Wolf Inside Of Me
Sometimes I feel like there is a wolf inside of me, a really bad and mysterious wolf.
A wolf who tries to make my life miserable, who points out every …
A Baby Plant
Have you ever seen a baby plant growing into a big tree,
Its a lovely feeling to see this magic for free.
The baby needs a lot of love and care,
So …
The Moon and the Sun.
The sun.
Joyful and peaceful
Caring, understanding, and sharing.
A beautiful lie, an eyesore to most eyes.
Insulting, glaring and staring.
Ignorant …
Beautiful and Radiant
Alluring, Dazzling, and Glistening
Do you see the way they connect, up in the sky?
They make the world a bit brighter. …
A hunger free world
With trepidation, I walk through crowded lanes,
Beggars with empty bowls and endless pains,
Starved and wretched in harrowing nights,
Helpless and …
The Shining Pearl
The pearl shines like the moon
One light can make it glow
But at Night there's no sign of light
But when the night ends it will shine
The stadium was filled with crowd
Everyone started to howl so loud
The match started
Our opponents were kind hearted
Bumrah bowled the over
New Zealand's …
Wonderful Weather
Sunny rainy
Sewer drain-y
A sky with a cloud
Thunder booming aloud
Lightning strikes
Not what a weatherman likes
Windy days
Inside plays …
Pain of Arm
The ocean is full of calm
Humans have pain in their arm
They appeal balm to calm
The pain of the arm
Rain by Zainab Umar
I saw the trees bending
Wa wa wa
I saw the clouds Moving
Wa wa wa
Oh it's raining
Wa wa wa
Zainab Umar (4 years old)
Our Firefighters
Helpful to our community
Every day helper
Looking out for each other
People are great to have
Eevery life matters …
The moon is white...
Very very height...
Comes at night...
And melts your sight...
Comes with you,Goes with …
When I am lost, I think of my mom and how she sings us to sleep.
When I am lost, I think of my dad and how he always plays with me.
When I am lost, I …
My Dear Friend
whenever I talk
to you my friend
I can be me
with no need to pretend
we could talk for hours
but we never run out of great topics
to gossip about …
by Patrick Campbell
The biped and the quadruped
with whom I nightly share my bed
display a curious rapport
as they whistle, snort and …
Animals of the World Unite (Part Five)
So the little man appeared
looking frankly rather weird.
It was Deepak a local farmer
dressed in crimson red pyjamas
and hair in total disarray
not …
Animals of the World Unite! (Part Four)
And then another told her tale.
It was the precious nightingale.
“Odes to nightingales are known
to be among man’s loveliest poems.
Immortal bird is …
Animals of the World Unite! (Part Eight)
Then Lion, who'd been quite silent since
his woeful failure to convince
the delegates he should compère
the meeting, laughed and mocked the Chair. …
Animals of the World Unite! (Part Seven)
Sometimes the pattern of events
is shaped by strange coincidence,
for now a distant truck was seen
painted in a ghastly green,
the foresters' green …
Animals of the World Unite! (Part Six)
Whale, impatient in the bay,
said, "Look, it's very nearly day,
and though you're right, it is amusing
to see men chased up trees, we're losing
Animals of the World Unite! (Part Three)
Up spoke the graceful Albatross.
“I’ve flown here from Galapagos,
in which some egg-head long ago
did a study which would show
that men and monkeys …
Animals of the World Unite! (Part Two)
Then Hippo boldly took the floor,
and gazed towards a distant shore
as though imbued with noble thoughts
to put before the animal court;
and with …
Animals of the World Unite! (Part One)
by Patrick Campbell
Upon the sands of Sarandee
beside the Sindhu Sagar Sea,
were gathered every living beast, …
Bad to Verse
"Urgh... I'm writing a poem and I'm stuck for a rhyme"
"Hey don't worry I go through that all the time"
"I'm trying for something that goes well with …
The golden retriever had cheerful bright eyes and a jolly nose, and his fur looked like a mellow durian, so we named him “Durian”. He jumped at me when …
Can't Wait for My Trip
Traveling is fun, but not in covid,
Six feet distance, masks overloaded,
Life’s not normal, toilet paper hoarded,
Clear your throat? You’re reported. …
Head in the grass
Shoeless feet in the air
Wind blows dandelions away
But they don’t care
Up there somewhere in the atmosphere
The birds have melodic …
Head in the grass
Shoeless feet in the air
Wind blows dandelions away
But they don’t care
Up there somewhere in the atmosphere
The birds have melodic …
perfect color
the shades-
mint green
ocean blue
taffy pink
there all in you
violet lips
Caribbean eyes
and caramel skin
you have every thing
except red! …
of night
bright light
spotted or stripe
humming around in the dark of night
the thin long feathers that brought to me shivers
its open beak and a sudden shriek …
petite tear
the tears are drooping
like a feather
so warm just like the weather
don't stop just drop
dance along the cheek
when the wind will nicely shriek …
the world-food
The world is like an apple, each cities a sample from Italy to Japan and from there to Amsterdam Like London is an onion and Paris is a lettuce so this …
Minors are those less than eighteen,
As they don't have knowledge in keen.
They don't have a driving licence,
As don't …
The Blissful Dream
I listen to the music touch my soul
And playing it is my goal.
Oh, to hear it pass through my ears
And to feel it wipe away my fears.
The story …
Life on the Front
I stood in a trench, riddled with fear
For the heartbeat of men, you could almost hear
The roar of tanks were loud and clear
The roar of tanks was …
Grand Slam
Swish, Swoosh, Pow, Bam!
That’s the sound of a grand slam
As the pitch was thrown
The crowds were like statues of stone,
The softball was coming in …
You were my best friend,
My best buddy until the end.
I remember how we would play,
Running, fetching, having fun all day.
I didn’t want you to go, …
Hunger is like the jealous peacocks showing off their feathers,
Just to attempt to find what they desire
Hunger is like the living form of a dragon, …
I Wish I Could Fly
Sometimes I wish I could fly
But if I tried, I might die,
I could build some wings and jump off a building
But the experiment would be so chilling, …
There once was a kid named Claire
She saw a hare
Spent all her money
On the little bunny
And she brought it to her lair
I Prefer Chocolate Cake
Once it was a sunny day
I went to the park to play
Ran to home base
Got a pie in the face!
This could’ve been a better day!
Chocolate cake
My favorite food is chocolate cake
Its often always freshly baked
Its junk but its so much yummy
I like it when it goes in my tummy
Its of every …
Elegy for Donuts
I’m very sorry
You were perfectly shaped
Perfectly iced in glaze
Your sprinkles lay on top
My stomach was growling
But lunch was in another hour …