Spring Poems for Kids

Enjoy these spring poems for kids in the classroom or at home. For all re-print and other publishing information, please click on our Permissions page. 

Spring poems for kids by Denise Rodgers on ClassroomPoems.com.

The snow is melting into slush.
The ground is soft and turned to mush.
I heard a bird this morning sing
in perfect pitch, “It’s spring! It’s spring!”

by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.


Do you ever feel that the birds are talking to you? Or amongst themselves? If their sounds were words, I'm sure they'd be sharing their happiness with the coming of spring.

If you live in the four seasons, as I do in Michigan, you've probably noticed the bulb flowers, like tulips and daffodils, peeking up out of the ground in early green sprouts and later bursting into beautiful flowers. Can you tell that spring is my favorite season?

Spring Poems for Kids:

Spring poems for kids by Denise Rodgers on ClassroomPoems.com.

I love looking for signs of spring. It's not just a matter of milder weather. In spring we start to see sprouts. The trees sprouts,, the bulb flowers peek out of the ground -- first in green and later the blooms show up. I pay attention to the trees turning from gray and drab to green. It's a wonderful time of year - perfect for writing a spring poem for kids.

The tulips are budding.
The daffodils bursting.
The robins are building a nest.

The sky is bright blue,
and the apple tree’s blooming.
Oh, I love the springtime the best!

by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.


Spring Poems for Kids:

Spring poems for kids by Denise Rodgers on ClassroomPoems.com.

Kites are a man-made part of spring, but it's something beautiful we add to the landscape. There's nothing like a sunny brisk spring afternoon with color kites flying against the bright blue sky. And so came this spring poem for kids...

The butterfly will flutter by.
A spaceship’s flapping in the sky.
There are birds of gold, deep red, and blue,
a dragon bold,
a jet plane, too.
They hover, waving in the sky.
When spring winds blow
they’re flying high. 

by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.


The next spring poem is not about my favorite part of the season. It's how on certain days it's hard to be dressed just right. When the sun is out and the air is still, you might want to take off your jacket. But a moment later, a  cloud hides the sun and the wind whips up, and there  you are, zipping up your jacket to stay warm. While it's not my favorite part of spring, at least it is the gateway to summer. We have to love that!

Spring Poems for Kids:

Spring poems for kids by Denise Rodgers on ClassroomPoems.com.

When the wind whips up
and the sun goes down,
I feel the chill
in my coat of down.

When the air is still
and the sun peeks through
I unzip my coat.
It is what I do.

 It’s cold! It’s warm!
But here’s the thing.
It’s what we have
when it’s turning spring.

by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.


Spring is my favorite time of year. The cold grip of winter breaks away and we start enjoying warmer weather...along with the slush and mush, the warmth and the chills. After all, spring brings the promise of summer, and what could be better than that? I hope you enjoyed these spring poems. Please scroll down for links to other fun poetry pages. 

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