It's my personal challenge to provide a fun Poem of the Week --- obviously, each and every week. The topics will vary by season, and with 52 poems each year, also by my mood and choice. I hope you enjoy every entry.
This week we share another poem about poetry. What does it do? What does it mean? It is the perfect choice as we head into April, also known as National Poetry Month.
Certain holidays are nothing but pure fun! April Fools Day is one of these holidays. Have fun with this poem, and if you'd like some more, check out our page of April Fool Poems for Kids.
You have to love St. Patrick's Day! While to some it is a religious holiday, it has been Americanized into a holiday of pure fun. Green cookies, green cupcakes, and green adult beverages. Not to mention that's it's fun to dress up in green! Check out our pages of St. Patrick's Day poems, as well as Irish poems, and Irish limericks.
Who doesn't love Limericks? They're short. They're sweet, and they're usually funny with a nice twist or play of words. In this case, was there really paint involved? Or was the young lass out carousing? We'll never know. Check out our full page of Irish Limericks.
When I woke up yesterday, the view out the front door revealed a sheet of glassy ice, all over pretty much everything. What's a poet to do? My husband very handily spread salt on our walkways. And me? I wrote this poem. I've added it to my page of Winter Poems, if you'd like to see more on this theme. Happy reading! And be careful out there.
Valentine's Day classroom celebration is a positive way for students to make friends and cement friendships. It's a positive thing all the way around. Go to our Valentine Poems for Kids page for more of these short poems.
Valentine's Day is a great time to introduce even the most reluctant reader to short Valentine Day poems. They're fun, friendly, and easy to read.
Valentine poems for kids are all about doing something special for your friends -- and for your teacher. This poem is one of many short poems on our Valentine Day poems for kids page.
This poem of the week is about substitute teachers, and how some students behave when the teacher isn't there. (When the cats away, the mice will play...) In this case, the joke is on the students! Check out our pages of funny school poems for more poems on this subject.
This poem is about music, and about dreams. Have you ever had a vivid dream that woke you up and tired you out at the same time? This poem is about one of those dreams. Check out our Poems about Dreams page for more dreamy poems.
It's just about time for our 2025 New Year celebration. This poem is all about the feeling we get of a fresh start at this time of the year. Check out our page of New Year's Day poems for more on this subject.
This is a poem about a very realistic New Year's resolution. We make them. We know they're the right thing to do. But do we keep them? All of them? We have to wait till next year to find out. Click here for more New Year's Eve poems.
This isn't exactly a Christmas poem. It is instead almost an ode to the amazing and delicious gingerbread cookie. The best are home made, I think. The poem, however, is zero calories. Enjoy!
Ah, this is the season for Christmas cookies. Shortbread, sugar snaps, chocolate-chip, and the luscious glazed and decorated variety. Yum! The question is, which of these delectable cookies is Santa's favorite. Read the poem to find out. Check out this page for more Christmas Poems for kids.
The day after Thanksgiving starts the mad rush to Christmas, at least in the USA. And so our poems will now shift from the turkey (and Thanksgiving, possibly my favorite holiday next to the 4th of July) to Christmas and winter. Check out our page of Christmas poems for kids.
Okay, thankfully (if I may use the term) turkeys are totally unaware of their fate as they fatten themselves up for Thanksgiving. This is a poem to honor the Thanksgiving turkey -- and also to imagine their preferences. Check out our page of Thanksgiving Poems.
Okay, this poem also is born from reality. Every year, we hosted Thanksgiving at our house. My son was very fussy about what brand of turkey he would eat, so that is what I'd buy. Meanwhile, my mother-in-law (who I otherwise loved) insisted on roasting her own turkey as they were on special for 29-cents a pound or some other crazy-low price. So...we'd have two turkeys. We have a big dining room table, so no problem, really. My mother-in-law is no longer with us, and I truly miss her. Click here for more Thanksgiving Poems.
As it turns out, my dad really didn't like the smell of turkey. (It was really the stuffing that turned him off.) So Mom always had a small roast beef to add to our Thanksgiving meal. Check out this and all our Thanksgiving Poems here.
Okay, so the topic is disgusting. And there isn't really a "book" involved, unless you consider this website to be kind of/sort of a book. But that said, the poem (in my opinion) flows better than its very topic. It's also a timely thought as we move through fall toward winter. Find more short funny poems on this page.
Just what do the deer eat in winter? In the summer, spring, and fall? THE WHITE TAIL CAFE tackles this question in a lighthearted fashion. Find this an other poems like it in GREAT LAKES RHYTHM AND RHYME, my book of poetry about Michigan and the Great Lakes states. Or check out this page of personification poems.
This poem came about simply because I like the expression, "dog and pony show." This is supposed to indicate making a big fuss about something, particularly a presentation of some kind. In this case, in this poem, it is actually about a dog, and a pony. Click on Funny Dog Poems for more of the same. Enjoy!
It's Halloween month (it used to be a day), and it's time to enjoy costumes, candy, and a few good poems. For more Halloween poems, please check out our Halloween Poem page,
It turns out that not everyone waits till October 31st to celebrate Halloween. Check out this poem for fun - and read more on our Halloween Poems page.
This poem was inspired by my mother-in-law whose idea of a home-baked cookies was a trip to the local bakery. While that might not have been ideal, she did like to take our sons out guessed it...chocolate shakes. This one's for you, Gramma! Check out our page of funny family poems.
It's another week, and another poem about autumn. In this case it's about raking up the autumn leaves. It's also about the power of perspective. In this case, it is the point of view of the weary mother raking leaves with her child and already missing summer, vs the point of view of the poet/child who is all about looking forward to the first snow! Read this and others like it on our autumn poem page.
This poem tells a true story. My mother would take my grandfather shopping, and when I was very young, she would take me as well. My grandfather talked about the plums every early autumn. He referred to them in his native tongue as "shliffkehs," and pronounced their arrival in the market as a true sign of impending fall. This stayed with me, and I wrote this poem many years later. Please enjoy this poem and other poems about autumn.
In my part of the world (Michigan), once September comes around, and especially after Labor Day, we get a hint of fall in the air, even if the slight chill heats up by the end of the day. That's one sign of the weather to come. The other sign is the growing abundance of our local farmer's market. The shelves bulge with the bounty of the season. Click here for more autumn poems.
This poem is similar to last week's poem. The difference is that, this time the poem takes the point of view of the student. Check out the poem below and you'll see that it takes the point of view of the dog! Go here for more funny poems about school.
Yes, it's back to school time with this poem of the famous eaten homework...this time from the dog's point of view. Read this and other school poems on this page.
There's a lot of emotion and excitement as the first day of school approaches. This poem concentrates on the positive feelings of going back to school as summer ends. Check out our first day of school poems for more poems on this topic.
Everyone has felt them. Those butterflies fluttering shamelessly in your belly, just anticipating the start of the school year. But just like in this poem, all it takes is a friendly smile to send those butterflies packing. Check out our page of first day of school poems for more poems about this special day each year.
This poem is from the point of view of a student who is definitely NOT the teacher's pet. For more poems on this topic, go to our Funny School Poem page.
This poem took several tries over many months, until one day I sat down and wrote it all of one piece. This is one of my favorite poems (of my own). Check out our page of zoo poems.
Sometimes I write a poem "just because." This is one of those poems. When I sit down with my journal (a 6" x 9" thick notebook) and my pen (these days it's a PaperMate Flair), I just start to write. If you are kind to your Muse (or your subconscious), you do this regularly. Eventually some poems (or whatever creative answer you are seeking) comes to light, fully formed. Again, this is one of those poems. Please read the entire text on our Funny Kids Poems page.
This poem was inspired, you guessed it, by a very active (and large) bee that aggressively bounced against the screen of the open window of my office. I happened to be sitting within range of my journal/notebook. The words you read are the results of my musings -- and my happiness that said bee was on the other side of my window screen! Read more poems like this on our Funny Kids Poems page.
This American holiday is pure fun. Hot dogs, hamburgers, sparklers, parades, and best of all...fireworks. Independence Day, otherwise known as the 4th of July, is a holiday of celebration. Check out more Independence Day poems here.
This poem of the week is geared for the high school or college graduate. After years of study and hard work, a student gets to graduate and, if lucky, start working at a new job. Click here for more Graduation Poems. And come back next week for another new poem of the week!
Sometimes you have to be careful what you wish for. Everyone looks forward to the last day of school. But sometimes it might not be all it's cracked up to be. Check out the other poems on our Last Day of School page.
It's time to celebrate the dads in our life! This Father's Day poem, as well as the other poems on our Father's Day poems page, pay homage to all the dads in our lives.
This is one of those poems I wrote "just because." I was writing in my journal and was obviously inspired by the sound of my mechanical pencil. I often switch between pencils (always mechanical), felt-tip pens (usually Flair), and multi-color ballpoint pens. I am fickle about such things and have had bouts of writing with a fountain pen only. I think my love of writing is physical as well as creative! For more poems about writing poetry, please go to my Poetry Poems page.
Once a year Americans take off the last Monday in May to remember those who served our country, particularly in the military. Many of these soldiers gave their lives in conflicts around the globe since the beginning of our nation. Memorial Day is also the official start of the summer season. Even if we spend the day outdoors (hopefully in sunny summer weather), we should all take a moment to remember and give thanks to all who made the ultimate sacrifice.
We gather for the holiday
prepared for food and fun.
We need to stop and think about
the way it all’d begun.
A holiday to celebrate
because our country’s free.
The soldiers, brave, throughout the years
fought so it could be.
So, while we gather with our friends
to play with game and ball,
we stop, remember, give our thanks
to those who gave it all.
© Denise Rodgers
Ode poems are a positive form of poetry. They are written to celebrate or praise a person, an animal, a place, or an object. Obviously, when writing an ode poem, it's a good idea to choose a topic you really like and admire. Check out our page on how to write an ode.
Okay, so this is technically not a poem, but it is all about poetry. Alliteration is a fun and very understandable form of wordplay. Playing with words is easy and free, and can often have the wonderful side effect of leading to good writing! Check out our page of alliteration examples as well as a sample page of alliteration poems. And by all means, have fun!
It's time to honor Mom with a Mother's Day poem. The best poems are written by her children. But in a pinch, a poem like this one will do! Check out our complete page of Mother's Day Poems and be sure to check in next week for our next Poem of the Week!
All good things come to an end...but poetry doesn't have to. We can enjoy poetry every month of the year! Please enjoy this poem and others on our April is Poetry Month page. And not to worry, there will be more poems in May!
The building block of poetry is, of course, letters. The letters are the building blocks of words. The words express our thoughts, feelings, ideas and more. Ultimately, we need these words and letters for poetry and all written language. This is a poem that celebrates Poetry Month.
April is poetry month. In my humble opinion, every month should be poetry month! But for now I will be happy with April, and enjoy an entire month devoted to poetry! Check out our April is Poetry Month page -- and in honor of the holiday, please click around and find other poems to enjoy.
Some holidays are pure fun -- and April Fools Day is no exception. Check out this April Fools poem and all the others on our April Fools Poem page.
St. Patrick's Day is less than a month away. It's time to bring out the shamrocks and wear a little green (or a lot). Check out our page of St. Patrick's Day poems as well as our page of Irish Limericks and funny Irish poems ...and get ready to enjoy the holiday!
Diamantes are a fun exercise of thinking like a poet -- while writing a poem. They are perfect for the classroom -- or for at-home fun. Go to our Diamante poem page for more examples and instructions on how to write or teach these short, fun poems.
This poem of the week is a Limerick. Check out our page of Limericks and join in the irreverent fun of rhythm, rhyme and wordplay.
If you haven't yet checked out our page of Valentine's Day poem for kids, all perfect for the classroom, now is the time. They're short. They're sweet. But never as sweet as young children reaching out to make new friends!
Couplet poems can be short and breezy or very long. It all depends. A couplet is two lines of rhyming poetry. If the two lines get the whole job done, bravo! Often the poet needs a few more lines to create a satisfying poem. GOOSE and MOOSE is comprised of twelve lines or six couplets. I wrote this poem all at once, several years ago. It still makes me smile. Check out our other Couplet poems. And stay tuned for next week's poem!
Once February arrives, the classroom is filled with red, white, and pink...the colors of Valentine's Day. Enjoy a page full of Valentine's Day poems for kids to enjoy in the classroom. Have your students copy and illustrate. Or better yet, have them write some poems of their own. These poems are short, sweet, and friendly. Happy Valentine's Day!
It's the first week of 2024 and it's time for a healthy dose of reality -- and a fresh start poem. Please enjoy this poem and the rest of our poems on our Happy New Year poem page. And now... it's back to work!
The older I get, the quicker the New Year celebration rolls around. We all make resolutions. We all try to improve. But the human condition prevails. No matter how resolute we are about our resolutions, the following year we'll have yet more new (and some old) resolutions. What's important is that we keep trying. With that thought in mind, best wishes for a healthy and happy New Year!
If you're in the northern hemisphere, chances are that it is COLD (or at least colder) this time of the year. This poem is a fun take on all the outdoor paraphernalia we need when we go out in the cold. Check out our Winter Poems page for more poems about the cold.
It's not just the Eskimos of Alaska. The people who live in the northern tips of Russa and Scandinavia also have numerous names for snow and ice, perhaps because they experience so much of it. This poem includes a few names as well, and wraps it all up in the title and last line of the poem. May your holidays be bright and safe. If you get to enjoy the snow, I hope it's from the inside, looking out a window, wrapped safely in an Afghan with your cocoa in hand.
It's that time of year when Christmas trees bring out the curiosity and imagination of young children. Check out this poem and other Christmas poems. And don't forget to browse around other poems to enjoy this season and always.
This poem was originally written, years ago, while I was doing a poetry presentation in Oakland County, Michigan. It was actually written in my head while I was occupied in the public restroom and getting rushed (assaulted) by the automatically flushing toilet. I am entering this poem of the week during Thanksgiving weekend when I've been "rushed" once again, by the toilets on the road. I'm sure I'm not alone in finding this to be as annoying as it is noticeable. : ) Please enjoy the poem!
Listen to the repetition of the sounds and the rhythm in this poem (especially the full version of it, below). Repetition can be as powerful a device as rhyme. Used with rhyme it can make for a very satisfying poem. Go to Repetition in Poetry for more examples of this poetic device. Below please find the full text:
The wind was wild, the wind was stout.
It blew my bedroom window out.
it blew my clothes around the street.
it swirled around my head and feet.
And after all was said and done,
it flew me quickly towards the sun,
up through the sky and out to space.
I felt a smile across my face.
I circled ‘round the moon and then
I headed toward the sun again,
past asteroids and space debris,
past Venus, then past mercury.
I reached the sun and on the spot I turned around –
it was too hot!
I landed quickly in my bed.
My mother came inside and said,
“Get off that bed and clean this mess!”
Her face showed signs of pure distress.
Outside the blustery wind still blew.
Oh, if she knew. Oh, if she knew.
by Denise Rodgers
Copyright ©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.
What would Thanksgiving be without a little family rivalry? My mother-in-law (of blessed memory) couldn't withstand the great prices and would bring a second turkey to our Thanksgiving each year, despite my protests. Believe it or not, I remember this fondly. This was the inspiration for this Two Turkey poem, one of my Thanksgiving Poem favorites.
The Cinquain poem is a classroom favorite. It comes with enough instructions to help the budding poet put just the right words together. It has five lines ('cinq' is five in French), with lines containing 2-4-6-8-2 syllables per line. For more detail, consult our Cinquain poem page. For more fun, review the poems on this page. If it isn't fun, it isn't poetry!
Sometimes a poet just has to write a poem about poetry. This poet writes a LOT of poems about poetry. In fact, there is a Poetry Poem page on this site. This poem also is a good example of repetition in poetry as well. Yes, you can learn a lot from this poem (in a very easy way). But in the end we're all supposed to enjoy poetry. That's what i do every day -- and what I highly recommend!
This week we are spotlighting the short, fun, and sometimes funny Haiku poem. This one goes from the sublime to the ordinary in the classic three-line, 5-7-5-syllable poem. The poems are supposed to use their short form to delight and surprise the reader. Check out our Haiku example page as well as the how to page for Haiku.
Just for fun I thought I'd write another Halloween poem to add to the Poem of the Week fun! Bert's Halloween came to mind and practically wrote itself. (That's what happens when you read and write poetry all the time. On a rare occasion, a poem "appears" and all you have to do is write it down.) This might be a good one to share with kids of all ages. Happy Halloween!
It's October and time for all the ghosts and goblins to appear on our door steps. Best of all, it's also time for lots and lots of candy!
Moths are pretty harmless if you don't have wool sweaters or other clothing. This poem was inspired by my loss of a beautiful wool sweater rendered a holy mess by one very hungry moth. Go to Funny Rhyming Poems for more poems like this.
They don't last as long as the green, but wow! Autumn leaves are the best. Some are as pretty as flowers. in their gold, beige, red and orange. It's a gift we get from Mother Nature as summer slips away. Check out our other fall poems to share with the kids in your classroom.
September may not be as grim as all that. As a matter of fact it's September at this very minute and the sun is shining. This poem was obviously a reflection of my perception of reality just last week. (But it is colder than last month here in Michigan.) That's a fact.) Please enjoy this poem and all the fall and autumn poems on this site.
I love to see kids loving to read. Of course, reading is the first step to becoming a good writer. And we all want that for our students whether they be writing reports, stories, or poetry.
Have your students open their journals (or supply them with pencil and paper), allow them to doodle as well as write a poem. Give them the freedom and see what happens. Next time, assign a topic for a poem that can be completed with or without the doodles. If the good stuff comes, please feel free to share on our publish poems page on this site. Happy doodling!
Have you ever felt those butterflies on your first day of school? I know I had them every year! Please enjoy the entire poem on our First Day of School poetry page.
Have you ever noticed the confusing look given when one eyebrow doesn't seem to know what the other eyebrow is doing? This is a fun look at one of the very little mysteries of life. Please enjoy this week's poem.
MOSQUITOS DON'T CARE is the poem of the week, and a very timely one as I have multiple bites on my arms, legs, and neck (which I hope are mosquitos). Did you know that mosquitos use the blood they extract (suck) from your skin to make yet more mosquitos? I'm sure you'll agree that this just isn't fair! Please enjoy the poem.
This poem of the week is a tribute to the lowly dandelion. Did you know that dandelion root tea has many health benefits? It can detoxify your liver, clear your skin, and help with your general digestion. (Keep this in mind before you bring out the herbicide.) Dandelion leaves are also delish in salads, as long as you add the other goodies and a good salad dressing. Enjoy this poem of the week, and enjoy those dandelions!
This poem of the week is a tribute to my favorite holiday. The Fourth of July is so casual and so much fun!