Short Funny Poems

My Long Eared Dog, a short funny poem by Denise Rodgers on

Short funny poems are a fun challenge. You have to present an image and get it to make sense, and hopefully have a punchline or an ah-ha moment, all with just a very few words. 

Below are the words to the illustrated poem, above.

My Long-Eared Dog
My long-eared dog is very sweet.
He loves to lick my stinky feet.
And that is why I’d use my mace
before I’d let him lick my face.

Poem and Art by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.

(Okay, so I exaggerated a bit. I'd never use mace on my sweet doggy. But it made a perfect line-ender, don't you think?)

A Little Bit of Nonsense by Denise Rodgers

Short Funny Poem #2


Phlegm is the most gruesome word
that you'll find in this book.
It has a hidden silent G
that some say stands for Gook.

by Denise Rodgers
Copyright© Denise Rodgers 
All Rights Reserved

No matter how many times I read it, I still want to clear my throat!

Short Funny Poem #3

Every child's dream is to be like Sweet Tooth Andy. Better save up for the dentist!

Bed made of candy. Chocolate bed. Candy bar bed with frosting and sprinkles and chocolate cake roll with peppermint candy and candy corn.

Sweet Tooth Andy
Have you heard of sweet-tooth Andy?
Makes his bed with sugar candy.
And it never fails . . . by dawn
all of Andy's bed is gone.

by Denise Rodgers
Copyright© Denise Rodgers 
All Rights Reserved
Art by Julie Martin

Short Funny Poem #4

Marcus Spout suit coat inside drawing. Short funny poem Marcus Spout. By Denise Rodgers of

Marcus Spout
Oh here's the tale of Marcus Spout
who wears his suit coat inside out.
It isn't custom he's declining;
it's just that he adores the lining.

by Denise Rodgers
Copyright© Denise Rodgers
All Rights Reserved

Short Funny Poem #5

Silly Sally is featured in my first book, A Little Bit of Nonsense.

Silly Sally. Iron shirt with waffle iron.

Silly Sally
When Silly Sally irons her clothes,
they come out looking awful.
She did not read the label and
her iron was meant to waffle.

by Denise Rodgers
Copyright© Denise Rodgers 
All Rights Reserved
Art by Julie Martin

Short Funny Poem #6

Dog running away with toupee. Dog steals toupee from clothesline.

Sudden Baldness
"Oh my!" the portly gent called out.
"I cannot find my hair.
I washed and put it out to dry
and now it isn't there!"

by Denise Rodgers
Copyright© Denise Rodgers 
All Rights Reserved

Short Funny Poem #7

Short Poem
I have to write a poem today,
a short one, four lines long.
Something cute and breezy
with some rhythm, like a song.
The words must be quite catchy,
but I think it's kind of late.
These catchy words are breezy,
but this line is number eight!

by Denise Rodgers
Copyright© Denise Rodgers 
All Rights Reserved

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Poetry Permissions Denise Rodgers