Poems About Birds

Each of these poems about birds tells the story of the particular species. Even if you live in the city, birds are part of your everyday life. This is why we'll start with a poem about the sparrow.

SPARROW, a poem about birds by Denise Rodgers on ClassroomPoems.com.

Sparrows built a sturdy nest
Right outside my window
To make their chicklings safe and warm
No matter how the wind blows.
First, they built it, step by step
Of sticks and straw and scraps.
It gave the sparrows, male and fem
A place to take a nap.

First came the eggs all whitish blue.
Next came the naked chicks,
Anxious, hungry, eating
all the Mama bird could pick.
Now the nest is empty
And I see it day by day,
As one by one the birds grew large
And simply flew away.

by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.

Poems About Birds: The Robin

ROBIN, a poem about birds by Denise Rodgers on ClassroomPoems.com.

Just as common, but maybe a touch prettier than the sparrow, is the robin with its distinctive red breast. When I observer the robin, it's hard to miss the fact that they are constantly on the move. This is what this poem is about.

Robin with your pretty breast,
Never seems to take a rest.
Always hopping, pecking, perching.
Round ripe worms or seeds you’re searching.
With five babies in the nest,
Lots to feed before you rest.
Looks to me you meet the test,
Robin, with your pretty breast.

by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.

Poems About Birds: The Pelican


If you've ever been to Florida, chances are you've noticed the pelican. They are huge bird with even huger beaks. They use their beaks to swiftly plunge into the ocean water to snag a quick meal of extremely fresh fish. This fishing seems to be an all-day event. Hence, the poem above (and below).  Click here for more fun facts about pelicans. 

Pelicans fish,
Do a deep, straight-down dive
To catch fish alive.
Water drains from their beaks.
It’s an on-purpose leak.
They don’t need a pole.
They swallow fish whole.
On fish number ten
They’ll dive down again.
As crazy as it sounds
They gulp many pounds
Until they feel well-again,
The overstuffed pelicans.

by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.

Poems About Birds:
The Woodpecker


This poem tells the story of my adventures with a woodpecker. They do make a racket as they...peck on wood. And if the wood happens to be your house, this can be annoying. It's hard to write poems when there is a rat-a-tat going on just outside your window. Fortunately, our woodpecker found our house lacking and swiftly flew off to parts unknown. This poem is the result of his (or her) visit. 

The woodpecker
Out in the woods
Is good.
But tapping on my window frame…
It’s a pain.
The woodpecker works hard.
That’s true.
But what am I to do?
So here is what I told him.
Silence is golden.”
Still, my window frames a wreck,
As all he’ll do is peck.

by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.

Of course there are countless more species of birds that could be included on this page. As more poems find their way into my journal, I will add them here. In the meantime, check out links to other animal poems, below. 

Other Animal Poems...

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