Bad to Verse

by Stephanie K.
(England, United Kingdom)

Boy with snake? Yikes!

Boy with snake? Yikes!

"Urgh... I'm writing a poem and I'm stuck for a rhyme"
"Hey don't worry I go through that all the time"
"I'm trying for something that goes well with cat"
"I'm sorry I don't know what to do about that"
"I can't fail to finish this work is due Monday "
"Argh what a problem, after all this is Sunday "
"Maybe switch cat to a kitten"
"Cat sounds good let me hear what you've written"
"Just that?"
"Yes cat"
"Kinda flat...
try moose?"
"What's the use?"
"How about sheep?"
"I need some sleep!"
"No rhymes there"
"I'm going to fail!"
"This thing stinks"
"I'm in a funk...
Face it my friend there's no way I can do it"
"Don't lose hope you'll find rhymes and get through it"
"I'm sorry I need help and you obviously know it"
"Hey don't look at me, I'm no poet"
"I wish I had a helpful rhyme genie"
"There's no such thing, Hey, got any linguini?"
"What? I can't eat, I'm too nervous and sweaty"
"Forget the linguini, I'll take some spaghetti "
"This isn't a diner, I can't think about food"
"OK OK Rick, no need to be rude"
"I've had this assignment for over a month"
"Why are you crying"
"Absolutely nothing rhymes with month"
"Haven't you noticed "
"Noticed what"
"Every time you've spoken I've responded in rhyme"
"Oh yeah, you really did do that! Now that I know what you're doing I might finish my assignment "
"OK Rick be true to your assignment never be false"
"False?! Nothing rhymes with false...
Argh OK I'm going home for some pasta and I'll be back later"
"Oh can I borrow your cheese grater?"
"STOP! No more rhyming"
"You're just jealous of my poetic timing "

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Mar 10, 2022
Made Me Smile
by: Denise

Thanks for sharing this poem. It tells a story with rhythm, pacing, rhyme (of course) and with a good sense of humor. I totally enjoyed it!

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