Christmas Poems for Kids

The first of the Christmas poems for kids is, SANTA'S FAVORITE, a poem that is all about the cookies!  

Christmas poems for kids by Denise Rodgers on

We’ve been baking cookies
for when Santa comes to visit.
Some chocolate chip,
some shortbread snaps.
His favorite? Well, what is it?
I guess we’ll know on Christmas Day
when we run down the stairs.
We will know his favorite
is the one that isn’t there!

Poem by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.

Christmas Poems for Kids #2

The second Christmas poem is GINGERBREAD MAN, celebrates one of the favorite tastes and sights of Christmas.

Gingerbread man Christmas poem for kids by Denise Rodgers on

Gingerbread cookie.
Gingerbread man,
tastes just like Christmas
right out of the pan.

Dressed up with icing
for eyes, smiles and booties.
All must admit
he’s an absolute cutie!

As I eat the head and the arms
and the tummy,
best of all ---
gingerbread’s awfully yummy!

Poem by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.

Christmas Poems for Kids #3

The third Christmas poem for kids is UNDER THE TREE, a poem about Christmas giving, and the fun anticipation of tearing through those carefully wrapped gifts! 

Christmas tree poem for kids by Denise Rodgers on

What is under the Christmas tree?
Did Santa go on a shopping spree?
There’s lots of boxes topped with bows.
But what’s inside? Well, no one knows.
I’ve rattled just a box or two.
(Okay, I’ve rattled quite a few.)
Most are quiet…some boring clothes?
(I wrote to Santa for none of those!)
I wish I could have x-ray eyes.
But Mom says, ‘wait and be surprised.’
The truth is that I have no say.
I’ll have to wait for Christmas Day.

Poem by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.

Christmas Poems for Kids #4

This is a good poem for those kids who think they're too old for Santa! It's an invitation to put a bit of magic and fun back in the holiday.

Christmas elf poem for kids by Denise Rodgers on

Unless you’re under three years old
Chances are that you’ve been told

That Santa is a cartoon guy
That doesn’t grab the deer and fly.

He doesn’t tour the world with toys.
That it’s all bunk, a lot of noise.

This makes me wish that I was three,
With all my thoughts and wishes free.

We grow up fast at such a cost
With all our hopes and wishes lost.

So when it’s time for Christmas Eve
Go back in time and just

Poem by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.


Christmas Poems for Kids #5

The next Christmas poem is Christmas Snow. I've lived my whole life in Michigan, where we have a very good shot at a white Christmas every year. This obviously isn't the case everywhere, but it does set a standard of sorts. Please enjoy!

Christmas snow poem for kids by Denise Rodgers on

There's one thing you have to know;
At Christmas time, it has to snow.
The ground must fill with fluffy white
To soften up the cold, dark night.

It helps out Santa, that white snow,
Reflecting off the moonlight glow.
It makes us feel so snug instead,
When we’re inside our soft, warm bed.

Although this image is so true
And makes much sense to me and you,
We have to pause and say, “Ahem –
There’s rarely snow in Bethlehem.”

If this thought sets you aback,
Don’t let it take you off your track.
For when you spy a shining star,
It’s Christmas time right where you are.

Poem by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.


Christmas Poems for Kids #6

Christmas Day poem for kids by Denise Rodgers on

Christmas Day
There’s something special in the house.
It happens Christmas Day.
The toys are out,
The coffee’s on.
It’s time for rest
Or play.

All the Christmas running’s done.
The gifts were bought,
The battles won.
The goose was cooked
And eaten up.
The coffee’s hot 
Inside Dad's cup.

The miracle of life appears
To bless our family
Every year.
And so I give my wish to you
To bless your happy family too!
Merry Christmas!

Poem by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.


Christmas Poems for Kids #7

The last featured poem is December Twenty-Sixth. It is all about the frantic state of December for so many people, moms and dads in particular.

Christmas Day poem for kids by Denise Rodgers on

Mom didn't start our shopping
Till December twenty-first.
We haven’t baked a cookie yet;
Our tree this year’s the worst.

Dad's gonna buy some Christmas cards
And get them out today.
There’s just no time for Christmas
All our tasks get in the way.

The decoration bin is cracked.
The tinsel is all dusty.
I'm wiping dust off with a rag;
It's smelling kind of musty.

We do love Christmas every year,
Although my feeling’s mixed.
(I think we're looking forward to
December twenty-sixth.)

Poem by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.


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