A President William McKinley Poem

Please enjoy this William McKinley poem, Invincibly Great, by Denise Rodgers.

William McKinley poem, President William McKinley poem for kids, William McKinely poem for kids

a President William McKinley Poem

By the time of the Spanish-American War,
Americans knew what real power was for.
It started in Cuba — "Remember the Maine!"
A ship bombing started the war against Spain.

Half 'round the world, in an effort complete
the US sent over the national fleet.
And when it was over, that summer, that day,
the US had reign over Manila Bay,
the Philippines, Guam, Puerto Rico and more...
The US had annexed the Hawaiian shore.

All in one summer of late '98,
the US had power, invincibly great.
The nation took risks, had imperial gain.
To think it all started with war against Spain.

Poem and Art by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.


Facts about the William McKinley Poem

During William McKinley's presidency, the United States became more of a world power. It started to exert authority over other countries by show of force. During the Spanish-American War, the US destroyed the Spanish fleet in Cuba, seized Manila in the Philippines and occupied Puerto Rico in the Caribbean Sea. McKinley later annexed the Philippines, Guam and Puerto Rico to the US. Hawaii was also annexed to the US during the McKinley administration. 

President William McKinley Facts

25th US President

March 4, 1897 - September 14, 1901

Political Party:

January 29, 1843, Niles, Ohio

Assassinated. Died September 14, 1901.

Ida Saxton McKinley (m. 1871-1901)

More Facts to Support the
President William McKinley Poem

* McKinley's Inauguration was the first to be filmed on March 4, 1897. See it here.

* McKinley had a warm and engaging personality and was well liked. He was politically conservative and had a hands-off, pro-business policy.

* McKinley served fourteen years in Congress where he was the leading Republican tariff expert. In 1891 he was elected Governor of Ohio. He served as governor for two terms. 

* William McKinley was the fifth president from Ohio in twenty-eight years.

* McKinley was the first president to ride in an automobile.

* McKinley's second term ended tragically when he was shot twice in the abdomen while standing in a receiving line at the Buffalo Pan-American Exposition. The crowd gathered around the assassin, anarchist (and most likely mentally ill) Leon Frank Czolgosz. As the crowd began to beat the assassin, McKinley shouted out, "Boys! Don't let them hurt him!"

* President McKinley's image is on the $500 bill, last printed in 1934. If you have one, don't spend it! It is worth more than its face value of $500 to collectors.

* McKinley's commanding officer during the Civil War was Rutherford B. Hayes, the 19th president of the United States.

* William McKinley had a pet parrot named 'Washington Post,' who apparently could whistle the tune, 'Yankee Doodle.' Unfortunately, we have no video of that!

For more President William McKinley facts, go to  RepublicanPresidents.net. If you enjoyed this William McKinley poem, click on US President List for more links to more US Presidents poetry.

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