Funny Dog Poems

Dog and pony show. Funny dog poems.

Funny dog poems are a great way to celebrate our love for our canine companions. The first dog poem is about a fun dog and pony show. Please read and enjoy!

Come see our dog and pony show.
there is no better place to go.
The dog wears ties, the pony, pants.
They both stand up to sing and dance.

They hoof and paw an old soft-shoe.
They harmonize the whole time through.
They raise their hats and take a bow.
Was this a show? I'll say, and how!

Poem and Art by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers

Funny Dog Poem #2

Dog Show cartoon. Dog Show drawing. Funny dog poems.

If you shop for pets at our dog show,
be prepared to go home with a dog.
The choice are simply stupendous.
They'll leave you amazed and agog. 

If you're looking for size and distinction,
as little dogs give you disdain,
then check out our Wolfhounds and pinschers,
or try out the regal Great Dane.

If long ears are your special passion,
don't bother to check out your manual.
Just come to the rear of our dog show. 
We have every variety of spaniel.

We have Boxer, Chihuahuas and Bulldogs. 
Help yourself, go and browse our our grounds.
We have Westies and Dachshunds and Shelties,
We're especially well stocked with hounds.

You'll be happy with our grand selection.
Your choices unleashed, you'll know that
The only way you make us angry,
is if you go home with a cat!

Poem and Art by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers

Funny Dog Poem #3

Most dogs pretty much wolf down their food. But there are exceptions. My next door neighbor's dog would only eat bread if there was butter on it! The next funny dog poem is about another such canine picky eater.

Dog sitting at table. Dog eating at table. Funny dog poems.

My dog's a picky eater, yet
I think she makes a perfect pet.
A simple plate of roast beef, lean,
will make her lick the platter clean.

Even with some roast beef, fat,
she'll snarf it in two minutes, flat.
She'll eat up broccoli, steamed or raw;
she holds it steady with her paw.

But when you give her doggy chow,
she turns her nose up, says, "Bow-wow!"
She'll eat a simple doggy treat
but only if it tastes real sweet.

And if you top her food with sauce
she'll lick it off, to show who's boss —
but never eat the dreaded food.
My mother thinks that this is rude!

She's picky, yes, but what I say
is that she is a dog-gourmet!

Poem and Art by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers

Funny Dog Poem #4

Having a dog in the family is a big responsibility. They need food and water every day. They also love to go on walks. When they walk, there is the matter of cleaning up after them. Ahem! The next funny dog poem is about the use (or non-use) of a pooper scooper.

dog walker, dog walking, leaving dog poop, funny dog poem

Harriet Carrie-Ann Fennoman Cooper
likes to walk dogs but will not take a scooper.
"It's good for  the grass,
and I won't strain my back,
and my dogs think a walk is just super."

Her neighbors don't care much what Harriet thinks,
and most barely nod when she walks by or winks.
They note with distress,
"She should clean up her mess
as her dogs make our lawns kind of stink!"

Poem and Art by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers

Funny Dog Poem #5

The content of this funny dog poem tells it all. It is a poem about a dog whose favorite activities are eating...and napping.

sleeping dog, napping dog, dog on rug, funny dog poems

My dog would chase salamis
if they ran on little feet.
The only thing that gets him up
is promise of a treat.

He's not too fond of squirrels and
he never chases cats.
He doesn't hound the mailman.
No, he's much too calm for that.

I'm glad that he's a cuddle bug.
He's lots of fun to hug.
But often times, I think that he
is much less dog than rug.

Poem and Art by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers

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